Bluepea Surprise

Bluepea Surprise.png

Cheers! We will be toasting in the new year with this non-alcoholic Bluepea Surprise. Use your favorite fruits and make it your own signature drink. It’s pretty easy to whip this up.

Recipe by Mama Ding

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Total Time | 15 mins

Prep Time | 15 mins

Cook Time | - mins

Servings : 4 - 6


  • 1 bottle white sparkling juice

  • 1 pomegranate, broken up

  • 1 can of longan, drained

  • half can pineapple cubes, drained

  • 1 tray bluepea flower ice cubes


01 Make your bluepea flower ice cubes the day before so that they freeze solid.

Make the bluepea extract from fresh flowers, dried flowers or from powdered bluepea. We made 2 cups of bluepea extract from boiling 80 fresh flowers in 2 cups water, strain and allow to cool before freezing in the ice cube tray.

02 In a jug, place the pomegranate seeds, longan and pineapple cubes. Pour in the sparkling juice and give it a stir.

03 Remove the bluepea ice cubes from the ice-cube tray and add them to the jug.

Stir to mix well.

Serve in individual glasses.


You can replace the sparkling juice with carbonated drinks, if preferred.

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